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ÀÌ ½º¿þÅ͸¦ ¹ÝÇ°ÇÏ°í ½ÍÀºµ¥¿ä.

I'd like to return this sweater please.


ÀÌ Ä«¸Þ¶ó¸¦ ±³È¯ÇÒ ¼ö ÀÖÀ»±î¿ä?

Would you let me exchange this camera, please?


¿µ¼öÁõ °¡Áö°í °è½Å°¡¿ä?

Do you have a receipt with you?


¾ó¸¶ ÁÖ°í »ç¼Ì´ÂÁö ±â¾ïÇϼ¼¿ä?

Do you remember how much you paid for it?


ÀÌ°ÍÀº ÆļյǾî ÀÖ½À´Ï´Ù.

This is broken.


¼±¹°¿ëÀ¸·Î Æ÷ÀåÇØ Áֽðھî¿ä?

Can I have it gift-wrapped?


¹è´ÞÇØ ÁֽðڽÀ´Ï±î?

Can I have it delivered?


Çѱ¹À¸·Î ºÎÃÄÁÖ½Ç ¼ö ÀÖ½À´Ï±î?

Can I have them shipped to Korea?


Áý±îÁö ¹è´ÞÇØ Áֽðھî¿ä?

Can you deliver it to my house?


Á¦ È£ÅÚ±îÁö ¹è´ÞÇØ ÁÙ ¼ö ÀÖ½À´Ï±î?

Can you send it to my hotel for me?


Ç×°øÆíÀ¸·Î º¸³»ÁÖ¼¼¿ä.

Please send it by air.




Excuse me! Could you stop? I got on the wrong bus.

¿©º¸¼¼¿ä! Â÷¸¦ ¼¼¿ï ¼ö ÀÖ¾î¿ä? ¹ö½º¸¦ À߸ø ÅÀ¾î¿ä.


I seem to be on the wrong bus. Could you let me off at the next stop, please?

¹ö½º¸¦ À߸ø ź °Í °°Àºµ¥, ´ÙÀ½ Á¤·ùÀå¿¡¼­ ³»·Á Áֽðھî¿ä?


Excuse me, I'm totally lost. Which bus goes to the Museum of Fine Art?

½Ç·ÊÇÕ´Ï´Ù. ±æÀ» ¿ÏÀüÈ÷ ÀÒ¾î ¹ö·È¾î¿ä. Á¶Çü¹Ú¹°°ü °¡´Â ¹ö½º°¡ ¾î´À °ÅÁÒ?


I'm sure I made a reservation through ABC Travel Agency.

ABC¿©Çà»ç¸¦ ÅëÇØ ºÐ¸íÈ÷ ¿¹¾àÀ» Çߴµ¥¿ä.


I called you from San Francisco on Friday to reserve a single room.

±Ý¿äÀÏ »÷ÇÁ¶õ½Ã½ºÄÚ¿¡¼­ 1ÀÎ½Ç ¿¹¾àÀ» ÀüÈ­·Î Çß¾ú´Âµ¥¿ä.


If you don't have a room, could you refer me to some other hotel?

¸¸¾à ¹æÀÌ ¾ø´Ù¸é ´Ù¸¥ È£ÅÚ Á» ¾Ë¾ÆºÁ Áֽðھî¿ä? 


We don't like this room. We asked for a room with a view of the ocean.

ÀÌ ¹æÀÌ ½È¾î¿ä. ¿ì¸° ¹Ù´Ù°¡ º¸ÀÌ´Â ¹æÀ» ´Þ¶ó°í Çß¾ú´Âµ¥¿ä.


This is not exactly what we wanted. We reserved a room with a bath.

¿ì¸®°¡ ¿øÇÏ´ø °Í°ú´Â ´Ù¸£±º¿ä. ¿ì¸®´Â ¿åÁ¶°¡ ÀÖ´Â ¹æÀ» ¿¹¾àÇß¾î¿ä.


We wanted a suite because we are a party of four.

¿ì¸° ÀÏÇàÀÌ 4¸íÀ̱⠶§¹®¿¡ ½ºÀ§Æ® ·ëÀ» ¿øÇߴµ¥¿ä.


This room is too small. Do you have a larger room?

¹æÀÌ ³Ê¹« À۾ƿä. Á» Å«°Å ÀÖ¾î¿ä?


I was expecting a room with a TV. but it doesn't have one.

¹æ¿¡ TV°¡ ÀÖ´Â ÁÙ ¾Ë¾Ò¾ú°Åµç¿ä. ±Ùµ¥ ¾ø³×¿ä.


The TV in our room doesn't work.

¹æ¿¡ ÀÖ´Â TV°¡ ³ª¿ÀÁö ¾Ê¾Æ¿ä.


I kept the shower running for a while, but I still didn't get any hot water.

»þ¿ö¸¦ Çѵ¿¾È Ʋ¾î ³õ¾Æµµ ´õ¿î¹°ÀÌ ³ª¿ÀÁö ¾Ê³×¿ä.


The toilet is plugged up.

º¯±â°¡ ¸·Çû¾î¿ä


Our toilet doesn't flush.

º¯±â ¹°ÀÌ ³ª¿ÀÁö ¾Ê¾Æ¿ä.


The water in the toilet tank keeps running and it won't stop.

º¯±â ¹°ÅÊÅ©ÀÇ ¹°ÀÌ °è¼Ó ³ª¿À³×¿ä.


We don't have enough towels

¼ö°ÇÀÌ ºÎÁ·ÇØ¿ä


I ordered two coffees half an hour ago, but they haven't come yet. Could you rush the order?

30ºÐÀü¿¡ Ä¿ÇÇ µÎ ÀÜÀ» ½ÃÄ״µ¥, ¾ÆÁ÷ ³ª¿ÀÁö ¾Ê¾Ò¾î¿ä. Á» ¼­µÑ·¯ Áֽðھî¿ä?


I sent my dress out to be cleaned, but it hasn't come back yet. I was told it would be ready in 24 hours. When can I have them back?

¼¼Å¹ÇÏ·Á°í ¿ÊÀ» º¸³Â´Âµ¥, ¾ÆÁ÷±îÁö ¿ÀÁö ¾Ê¾Ò¾î¿ä. ÇÏ·ç¸é µÈ´Ù°í Çߴµ¥, ¾ðÁ¦ ¹ÞÀ» ¼ö ÀÖÁö¿ä?


The jewelry case I put on the bed is gone.

ħ´ë À§¿¡ ³õ¾ÆµÎ¾ú´ø º¸¼® ÄÉÀ̽º°¡ ¾ø¾îÁ³¾î¿ä.


I can't find the watch I left in the bathroom.

È­Àå½Ç¿¡ µÐ ½Ã°è¸¦ ãÀ» ¼ö ¾ø¾î¿ä.


It looks like a burglar broke into my room while I was gone.

³»°¡ ³ª°£ »çÀÌ¿¡ µµµÏÀÌ µé¾î¿Â °Í °°¾Æ¿ä.


When I got back, I found one of my suitcases missing.

µ¹¾Æ¿ÔÀ» ¶§ °¡¹æ Çϳª°¡ ¾ø¾îÁø°É ¾Ë¾Ò¾î¿ä.


The people in the next room are making so much noise, I can't sleep. Could you please ask them to be more quiet?

¿·¹æ »ç¶÷µéÀÌ ³Ê¹« ¶°µé¾î¼­ ÀáÀ» Àß ¼ö ¾ø¾î¿ä. Á» Á¶¿ëÈ÷ ÇØ ´Þ¶ó°í ÇØÁÖ¼¼¿ä.


The TV in the next room is too loud.

¿·¹æ¿¡¼­ ÄѳõÀº TV ¼Ò¸®°¡ ³Ê¹« Å©±º¿ä.


A child is crying in the next room and it's very annoying. Can you do something about it?

¿·¹æ¿¡¼­ ÇÑ ¾ÆÀÌ°¡ ¿ì´Âµ¥ ½Å°æ ¾²À̴±º¿ä.  ¾î¶»°Ô Á» ÇØ ÁÖ¼¼¿ä.


Could you change my room?

¹æ Á» ¹Ù²ãÁÖ¼¼¿ä


I locked myself out.

¿­¼è¸¦ ¾È¿¡ µÎ°í ³ª¿Ô¾î¿ä.


I am locked out. Could I have a spare key?

¿­¼è¸¦ ¾È¿¡ µÎ°í ³ª¿Ô´Â µ¥ ¹®ÀÌ Àá°å¾î¿ä. ºñ»ó ¿­¼è Á» Áֽðھî¿ä.


The vending machine on the fifth floor is out of order.



It takes money, but nothing comes out.

µ·¸¸ ¸Ô°í ¾Æ¹« °Íµµ ³ª¿ÀÁö ¾Ê¾Æ¿ä.


I got a Cola, but I did't get change.

Äݶó´Â ³ª¿Ô´Âµ¥, °Å½º¸§µ·ÀÌ ³ª¿ÀÁö ¾Ê´Â±º¿ä.


I don't think this bill is correct.

ÀÌ Ã»±¸¼­°¡ À߸øµÈ °Í °°Àºµ¥¿ä.


I didn't call for room service, but it's on the bill.

³­ ·ë ¼­ºñ½º¸¦ ¹ÞÀº ÀûÀÌ ¾ø´Âµ¥, ºñ¿ëÀÌ Ã»±¸µÆ³×¿ä.


What is this charge for?

ÀÌ°Ç ¹«¾ù ¶§¹®¿¡ û±¸µÈ °ÅÁÒ?


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